100% Made in America (U.S.A.) from Cap, to Glass, to Ink. The company prides themselves on being a cost effective ink. Iconically filling their ink bottles to the absolute brim. Promoting their trademark production as affordable for all, moving away from a luxury notion of exclusivity when it comes to fountain pen inks. Focusing more on accessibility. IMPORTANT TO KNOW: When opening a new bottle of Noodler’s Ink, beware that it is a FULL bottle of ink! Twist the cap slowly on a steady surface. Gently pop ink bubbles to minimize possible splash.They have a decent collection of colors to choose from but their selection is prominently based around unique properties and specialized inks that range from FORGE PROOF, ARCHIVAL, WATER RESISTANT, FREEZE PROOF, BULLETPROOF, and QUICK DRY inks which we will define and list alongside the ink swatches.
Ink Characteristics and First Impressions
A cost effective ink that gets the job done. Important to know that all inks do not write the same way. For example, some feathered way more than others and some had absolutely no feathering (this review will help you discern that).
Feathering or bleeding is when the paper cannot hold the ink in place and it spreads out and creates a feathery effect around the letter strokes.
They take a while to dry so smudging is a possibility to watch out for. They have a great selection of blues and a collection of vibrant colours as well. If you're on a budget but still want to indulge in pretty colours, a Noodler's ink is the way to go. It's a low cost of entry for anyone starting out with purchasing inks. They will get the job done.These are hardy inks and some more than others. Depending on the one you have, they will stain your glass dip pen if you use one. The inks are also tough to wash out on skin etc. I would like to point out the swatch cards are on deckled card paper and a dip, calligraphy nib and pen was used. All inks were tested on fountain pen friendly paper Maruman Loose Leaf.
Ink Glossary
Archival ink is specifically designed to be resistant to weathering and fading so that it will last for a long time. It is often used for scrap-booking and other activities where the written or drawn images need to be preserved indefinitely.
Bullet Proof/Forge Proof
Any Noodler’s Ink that resists all the known tools of a forger, UV light, UV light wands, bleaches, alcohols, solvents, petrochemicals, oven cleaners, carpet cleaners, carpet stain lifters
Freeze Proof/Polar Ink
Ink that is freeze-proof. The ink can be used in sub-0 degrees C (32 degrees F) temperatures, where a standard fountain pen ink could freeze. Polar inks are useful down to -114 degrees F (-81 degrees C). All Polar inks are also Bulletproof.
Water Resistant
Will resist moisture but are not considered waterproof.
Quick Dry
Intended for left handed individuals and fast writers in general. But note, recycled paper is not good with this ink – it also dislikes broad nibs as it feathers from too wet a nib.
Noodler's Ink Reviews and Swatches
1) Apache Sunset 19022:
A Deep, bright orange color with a touch of yellow. A highly saturated ink with no feathering.
2) Black Swan in Australian Roses 19065
A deep pink that shows very well. Zero Feathering on FP friendly and non FP friendly paper. With a deep color, can be used for writing. Characteristics: zero feathering; water resistant; archival; bullet proof; non quick dry.
3) Cactus Fruit 19205
A beautiful, deep, rich colour of pinkish-purple. It holds exceptionally well on the page with absolutely no feathering relative to other Noodler's inks and can rival the quality compared to other ink brands. Writes well on fountain pen friendly paper. Characteristics: zero feathering. A lubricating ink that is non-quick dry and non- water resistant.
4) Bernanke Red 19088
A very beautiful color and it writes very well including the deckled card paper. Minimum feathering. Characteristics: quick-dry; non-water resistant.
5) Widow Maker 19031
A gorgeous blood red, deeper than the Bernanke red. Characteristics: zero feathering; non quick dry; non water resistant.
6) Black Swan in English Roses 19037
A deep red-brown burnt mauve color. I honestly love this color. Its very classy and attractive. It gives your writing a unique touch but is still very dark and legible. Characteristics: water resistant; non-quick dry.
7) Zhivago Green 19027
A dark green color. A very reliable color. Characteristics: zero feathering; water resistant; forge resistant; non-quick dry.
8) Standard Green 19015
A bright, rich, grass green color. Characteristics: zero feathering; non quick dry; non water resistant.
9) Pushkin Green 19091
A beautiful soft moss green. Comes out with thicker lines than other fountain pen inks but close to no feathering even on non FP friendly paper, regular or printing paper. Though the deckled card paper doesn't handle it too well. Characteristics: Quick dry; water resistant; archival; bullet proof; fluorescent.
10) Dostoyevsky Blue 19075
A bright blue color with strong visibility on paper. Characteristics: water resistant; fluorescent; forge resistant; archival; non-quick dry.
11) Navajo Turquoise 19029
A rich bright turquoise, ocean blue. A great choice for a unique blue that will stand out even for everyday writing. Characteristics: zero feathering; non water resistant; non quick dry.
12) Standard Blue 19003
A reliable, classic blue. The noodler's blues are just a little different that make them stand out from other brands. Characteristics: no feathering; non water resistant; non quick dry.
13) Bernanke Blue 19067
The Bernanke series is the quick drying ink series. Interestingly, Bernanke Blue dries faster than the Bernanke Black. It is a reliable blue for everyday writing. From observations, it has a richer color than the black counterpart, however, it looks like it bleeds more than the black. Characteristics: some feathering; non-water resistant; quick dry.
14) Baystate Blue 19048
Very close to an electric blue color with a touch of purple. A very vibrant color. Characteristics: Minimum feathering; water resistant; needs FP friendly paper; forge resistant; non quick dry.
15) La Couleur Royale 19030
As in the name, it is a royal dark purple with a hint of blue. Characteristics: zero feathering; non quick dry; non water resistant.
16) Blue-black 19014
This blue-black interestingly has some touch of dark turquoise. A very unique blue-black. Characteristics: zero feathering; forge resistant; water resistant; non quick dry.
17) 54th Massachusetts 19071
Experiences the same concerns as Rome Burning. Possible feathering problem if you use a pen that releases a lot of ink. It even feathers on fountain pen (FP) friendly Maruman loose leaf paper. The less ink used the better when it comes to minimizing feathering with this ink. Even on FP friendly paper this ink bleeds if you use large amounts. Characteristics: possible feathering water resistant; forge resistant; bullet proof; archival; non-quick dry.
18) Lermontov Blue 19098
A soft deep blue. It is very calming and subduing in a nice way. Close to no feathering - I'd say it's a solid, reliable ink you can write with on fountain pen friendly paper. Characteristics: water resistant; forge resistant; fluorescent; archival; non-quick dry.
19) Tchaikovsky Purple 19084
A soft greyish-purple colour. Possible feathering if you use a pen that releases a lot of ink. It even feathers on fountain pen (FP) friendly Maruman loose leaf paper. The less ink used the better when it comes to minimizing feathering with this ink. Even on FP friendly paper this ink bleeds if you use large amounts. Characteristics: water resistant; fluorescent; non quick dry.
20) Rome Burning 19069
Huge feathering problem if you use a pen that releases a lot of ink. It even feathers on fountain pen (FP) friendly Maruman loose leaf paper. The less ink used the better when it comes to minimizing feathering with this ink. Characteristics: water resistant; you have to use FP friendly paper.
21) #41 Brown 19063
This is a mid-tone brown. Add on layers to get darker shade. The darker shade does have a sheen. Characteristics: zero feathering; water resistant; forge resistant; bullet proof; archival; non quick dry.
22) American Aristocracy 19083
A deep purplish-brown that is a unique and beautiful color but is standard looking enough to be used as an everyday ink for writing. Characteristics: Quick dry; non water resistant.
23) Lexington Gray 19042
Mid-tone gray color. Some feathering on non FP friendly paper. Characteristics: water resistant; non quick dry.
24) Standard Black 19001
Mid-tone charcoal black. Not the darkest black compared to other Noodler's ink. Characteristics: water resistant; forge resistant; bullet proof; archival; non quick dry.
25) Bernanke Black 19066
It says quick dry ink but at least on Maruman loose leaf paper, it still doesn't dry the fastest. No feathering. After drying, it looks great on paper though.
26) X - Feather 19046
Arguably one of the darkest blacks that Noodler's has. Comparable to the heart of darkness black. Characteristics: zero feathering; water resistant; forge resistant; bullet proof; archival; non quick dry.
27) The Heart Of Darkness 19808
Heart of Darkness is a dark black ink. It's as good as X-Feather and slightly darker. Comes in a large bottle with tincture top of about 127 ml. Comes with a Free Fountain Pen. Characteristics: no feathering; Non-quick dry; water resistant; forge resistant; bullet proof; archival.
28) Polar Black 19201
A cold-resistant ink which means it can avoid freezing and bottle breakage in cold countries and freezing weather. if it gets a little sloshy, its still ok. Minimum feathering. Characteristics: water resistant; forge resistant; archival; polar; lubricating.