How To Put Cards in Secrid Wallets?

How To Put Cards in Secrid Wallets?

Inna Vasilyev
The Card Protector is the heart of all the Secrid wallets, as it provides a secure mechanism and protects your cards from breaking, bending, and unwanted scannings. The card-protector integrated into all the leather wallets to ensure safety.

How Many Cards Can Fit Into Secrid Wallets?

The holding capacity of the wallet depends on the thickness of the cards that your wallet holds. The card protector can carry from 4 to 6 cards. If the cards embossed, then the number of cards the wallet holds does decrease. The wallets provide space for card-protector, that has enough space for 4 to 6 cards and room for cash, receipts, business cards, and less used cards. The leather part of the wallet also has space for four extra cards. To protect your sensitive information, all the wallets integrated with the card protector that can hold 4-6 cards. The slim wallet has extra space for six cards. From card protector to the wallets, there is a wide range of products to choose from that suits everyone.

How To Put Cash In The Secrid Wallet?

  • Wallets used to carry cash, and these RFID wallets can also surprisingly hold more cash.
  • There is no single answer for how many notes can be included in the wallet.
  • Once the wallet has become personal, the number depends on the person using it.
  • There are two methods for putting cash in the wallet.
  • The first method to slide the notes horizontally, so there no need to fold the notes.
  • The second method is to open the money flap and insert the cash vertically.
  • Here the money flap folded back, ensuring your money safer.

Guidelines For Using The Secrid Wallets

  • The cards can be moved easily with the simple slide mechanism without even opening the wallet.
  • Place your most used card at the front or back of the Cardprotector.
  • Use the card at the back in your wallet for quicker access and making contactless payments without even taking the cards from the card protector.
  • Always make it a point to carry the wallet in your front pocket.


An additional money band can be added to the card-protector to hold extra cards and cash. The mechanism of the wallet is easy to scan the cards and place them inside without opening the wallet. Secrid wallets are the best RFID wallets that ensure safety and user-friendliness, and you can always find them at Buchan Kerrisdale Stationery Store in Vancouver and Richmond. We also have an online store with an extensive collection of secrid wallets to meet international customer needs.
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