5 Metallic Must-Have Desk Accessories for the Aspiring Minimalist

5 Metallic Must-Have Desk Accessories for the Aspiring Minimalist

Inna Vasilyev

It’s spring, people are coming out of their winter shells, and 3 words are in everybody’s mind as they turn to survey their interior spaces:

CLEAN. DECLUTTER. ORGANIZE 5 Metallic Must-Have Desk Accessories To help you begin the task of bringing order to chaos, we’ll start with the often untidy, oft-used office desk - generally speaking a catastrophe zone and source of great frustration for any aspiring minimalist. The scene usually opens like this: stacks of half-used journals, loose bills and papers, cups chalked full of pens and gently chewed pencils, and a seemingly endless supply of paperclips in a seemingly endless supply of tins. Any of this sound familiar? There are thousands of products available to help create order - just walk into any Staples and you’ll be awed by it’s vast and endless aisles of desk organizers and storage boxes. That being said, the point of minimalism is to pair down to the essentials, not group together a vast number of inessentials and call it a day. Reading Table and Chair   Thus, when approaching your desk it’s important to pick office stationery that is not only the right tool for the job, but is (1) high-quality and (2) has great aesthetic value to you. Why? Because something made with attention to craftsmanship and design has the proven effect of making us take greater care of the tool and the task we are doing.   All this means is you won’t turn to a jar full of 20 mediocre pens when it’s time to write that important memo - no. It will be ONE greatly valued, high-performance pen you reach for because (a) you absolutely LOVE ITS LOOK and (b) you get pleasure from using it. It makes office work feel luxuriously effective. Makes sense, doesn’t it.   So for the minimalist or aspiring minimalist, we’ve provided a curated list of metallic (cause it’s sooo chic), basic supplies from our online stationery shop that will help get your desk into fine shape:   Leuchtturm Metallic JournalLeuchtturm Metallic Journal Love the book you write in. Leuchtturm 1917 is available in metallic-gold, silver or copper shade. Sleek in design and with 261 high-quality pages. This anniversary edition marks 100 years of the companies existence. Price $31.99       Midori Brass Pen CaseMidori Brass Pen Case Keep those writing tools few and close together. This single tray Brass pen case from Midori is a stylish, compact place to hold your writing tools. Capacity: Can hold between 4 – 5 standard size pens/pencils. Price 69.99       LAMY Metallic Fountain PenLAMY Metallic Fountain Pen  One pen to rule them all! The LAMY Live Deluxe fountain pens are armed with a stylish and durable metallic casing. Shimmering finish and high-quality design make it the perfect writing tool - trust us, you'll love it. Refillable cartridges. Price 89.99       Caran d'Ache 849 Brut Rose BallpointCaran d'Ache 849 Brut Rose Ballpoint Ok, two pens to rule them all! A paragon of elegance and femininity, the 849 Brut Rose Ballpoint pen has a sparkling bronze-gold, slim and a pleasure to handle. A gold push-button and clip round out the graceful features. The pen comes in a slim rose-gold tin case. Price $70.00     Midori Brass Number ClipsMidori Brass Number Clips Enough with the paperclips! The Midori Brass Number Clips are great for keeping track of your work in a notebook or keeping loose papers together and organized. The 100% brass clips have a vintage aesthetic which only improves over time. Price $21.99
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